Database development and training for Birmingham and the midlands
Specialists in Microsoft Access and Visual Foxpro database training and development
I am happy to hear from existing clients but I am taking no new calls.
Site Map - Microsoft Access
Pages describing our development, training, and support work on Access databases.
- Access 2007 fields with multiple values.
- Access 2007 file extensions.
- Access XP.
- Backup an Access database.
- Centre controls on Access forms.
- Choose the right tool - Access or Excel.
- Class module.
- Class module example.
- Common Dialog control to choose a file name.
- Compacting an mdb database file.
- Compacting an Access 2007 mdb database file.
- Constants in Access.
- Control Groups in Access 2007 Layout View.
- Create a custom toolbar in Access.
- Custom toolbars in Access.
- Cut, Copy, and Paste.
- DAO in Access 97.
- Access Database Support.
- Date functions in Access.
- Datestamp as a filename.
- Editing VBA method code.
- Error log to improve debugging.
- Examples of Access database support
- Faster Access queries.
- File and folder commands to match Visual FoxPro.
- Form design.
- Generating primary keys with VBA instead of using AutoNumber
- Getting the top rows from a query.
- Hide the Access window and just show a form.
- ID codes for CommandBarButtons in an Access toolbar.
- Lines on Access forms.
- Linking tables into another Access database with DAO.
- Linking two Access listboxes.
- Links to other Access pages.
- Locking with an ldb file.
- Logical functions in Access.
- Macro arguments in Access 2007
- Migrating to Access XP.
- Multiple parameters in an Access form.
- Multiple versions of Access on the same PC.
- Navigation buttons on a subform.
- Numeric functions in Access.
- OLEDB connection string.
- Options at startup.
- Options in Access 2007.
- Outer joins using Access SQL.
- Passing a parameter to a form in Access.
- Password generator for Access VBA.
- Pictures in Access forms.
- Queries with "In" and "Between".
- Random numbers from Visual Basic
- Simple backup techniques.
- Search options.
- Shortcuts for entering data into an Access form.
- Splitting an Access database into code and data components.
- SQL date formats.
- Startup options for developers.
- Subqueries in Microsoft Access.
- Switchboards in Access - Part 1
- Switchboards in Access - Part 2
- Switchboards in Access - Part 3
- Switchboards in Access - Part 4
- Tabbed forms in Access 2007.
- Text functions in Access.
- Top ten tips.
- Trust Center in Access 2007.
- Turn off the Office Assistant in Microsoft Office.
- Types of Access Query - Modify and Delete.
- User name in VBA.
- User startup options in Access.
- Wild cards in searches.
- Wrap the calls to MsgBox.
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