Wild card searches

Wild cards in a search are characters that will match any character in the field. You can use them where you're trying to find something like 'a code that starts with 'S' and includes an 'x''.

Wild cards

Access supports two wild card characters:

? matches any single character.

* matches any number of characters - including none.

Just type these characters as part of the expression you're searching for.


a?e Matches 'are', 'database', 'A/e',
8?7 Matches '1817', '8a7', and 'B48 7PQ' - remember that a space counts as a character.
a*e Matches 'Alvechurch', 'database', and 'Mary had a little lamb' because * matches any number of characters - including one.
8*7 Matches 'SER#83/3471a', '1817', and '87' because * matches any number of characters - including none.

Hints & tips

The textbox class in Visual FoxPro 9 has a new Autocomplete property which shows the user the previous values that have been entered in that textbox.
Autocomplete in VFP 9

Your Access database will look more impressive if you add custom toolbars...
Custom toolbars

FoxPro has always had functions to read and write files at a low level...
Foxpro low level file functions

More pages of hints and tips for users of Microsoft FoxPro and Access databases.

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