Database development and training for Birmingham and the midlands
Specialists in Microsoft Access and Visual Foxpro database training and development
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Training workshops for database developers
Our standard training courses cover the basic topics at introductory, intermediate and advanced levels but there are times when these aren't quite right for a particular developer's needs. Perhaps these courses don't go into enough detail on some particular topic, or perhaps they go into too much detail and all you really want is an overview. We started our workshop courses to meet these individual needs.
Recent workshop courses in Access and FoxPro have covered the following topics:
- Experimenting with the VFP 9 Report Writer to move and resize all images to a common format.
- Introducing many-to-many relationships into an Access database.
- Investigating techniques to make Visual FoxPro run faster on a large database.
- Converting a FoxPro 2.6 application to Visual FoxPro.
- Analysing the design of an Access database so that staff can take over the maintenance.

"Service contract management and invoicing have improved markedly over the last 12 months with Alvechurch Data's assistance & experience"
Will Farrell, Service Manager, Direct Air & Pipework, Coventry
"I just thought I would drop you a line to say thank you for the time you spent with us last month. Both Jackie and myself thought that the training was superb and were especially appreciative of the extent to which you tailored the course and the extra time you spent to help us with some of our more complex issues."
Thomas Still, Research Executive, Product Perceptions Ltd, Crawley
"Geoff Franklin proved to be very responsive to my request for urgent help with Access database information. He took me from a standing start to producing simple reports in 1 day and solved a long outstanding problem with extracting Foxpro based tables , which our reseller had failed to complete. At the end of the day we had a short usable outstanding Purchase Orders report - a first in 10 years! Highly recommended."
Bob Lock, Skyline Systems, Cheltenham
"As a trainer, Geoff Franklin has the rare skill of getting trainees to work through the material themselves without him taking over the keyboard. As a result they have confidence to apply the learning after the session."
Peter Jackson, Holly Training, Leamington Spa