Database development and training for Birmingham and the midlands
Specialists in Microsoft Access and Visual Foxpro database training and development
I am happy to hear from existing clients but I am taking no new calls.
Geoff Franklin
Recent Experience
I have spent the past nineteen years as an independent database developer and
trainer specialising in Microsoft Visual FoxPro and Microsoft Access programming. This
work has covered a wide range of applications and industries. To take a few examples, I
- Recorded a plumber's service calls with FoxPro.
- Analysed market research on cosmetics with Access.
- Controlled a management training college with FoxPro.
- Tracked spare parts for transport aircraft with FoxPro.
- Reported nursery school attendance with Access.
Development Work
Some of these projects have extensions to existing software and had to follow the conventions of that work; others were new and I could take full advantage of the latest tools and techniques. Some projects are my sole responsibility; in others I form and lead a project team for the client, and in others I work with as part of the client's IT team.
Access and Visual FoxPro Training
Again there is a wide variety. Some courses are to train users on custom-built systems; others are to train developers and users on packaged software such as visual FoxPro, Access and Excel. I present courses at all levels and almost all are modified in some way to suit the delegates' backgrounds and requirements; for example, a group from a life insurance company does not want to work through exercises based on manufacturing stock control.
Some courses are presented directly to our own clients, others are given on behalf of commercial training companies. Few companies keep expertise in house for specialist topics and I act as the database expert for a number of local and national training companies.
I have personal profiles on both Facebook and LinkIn. These sometimes carry transient
snippets of news that don't make it onto the main company web site. Alvechurch
Data also have a
facebook page
but that contains little more than a link back here.
Employment History
- 1993.. Alvechurch Data Ltd, Alvechurch
Software development over the complete life cycle from the analysis of
requirements through to delivery and support.
Training of programming and operational staff.
Writing and production of training manuals. - 2001.. Open University, Birmingham
Tutor on M150 - First Year 'Introduction to Computing'
Moderator on TT281 - Second Year 'Web Application Development'
Tutor on TT284 - Second Year 'Web Technologies'
Tutor on M358 - Third Year 'Relational Databases'
Telephone and on-line support to students and the presentation of regular tutorials to classes of between five and twenty students. - 1985..93 British Cast Iron Research Association, Alvechurch
Manager, Product Development Group
Supervising a team of six programmers and technicians
Developing special-purpose equipment and software
Administering Accounts, Library, and Membership databases - 1978..85 GEC Turbine Generators, Rugby
Control System Engineer
Designing and testing digital control systems to start and run power stations
Simulating the performance of power station systems
Collecting performance data to validate simulation models - 1976..78 Royal Corps of Naval Constructors, HM Dockyard, Rosyth
Reactor Engineer
Tracking and controlling the storage of reactor components
Professional Development
- 2010 Open University
- Linux
- 2009 WebTech
- C# Programming
- 2006..07 Open University
- Java Programming
- 2003..05 LANTRA
- Training as an on-line tutor for the LearnDirect scheme.
- 2001..09 Open University
- Training and Tutoring skills under the ALDAP scheme.
- 2000..01 Solihull College, Solihull
- Study towards Microsoft Certified System Developer
- 1993..05 Microsoft Developers User Group
- Use and integration of Microsoft tools
- 1989..90 Open University
- M355 Software Engineering
- 1983..84 Aston University, Birmingham
- MSc Control & Computing
- 1972..76 UWIST, Cardiff
BEng Mechanical Engineering
1st Class Honours
Professional Qualifications
- Member British Computer Society MBCS
- Chartered Information Systems Engineer CITP CEng
- Microsoft Certified Professional MCP
- Technical Editor, Problem Solving with Visual Basic, Mosaic Media Inc, Addison, Illinois. USA
- Contributor, FoxTalk, Pinnacle Publishing, Roswell, Georgia. USA
- Book reviewer, The Computer Bulletin, British Computer Society
- Editor, BCS Birmingham Newsletter.
- Contributor and MVP on FoxPro and Access forums on Tek-Tips
Other interests and activities
- A 1976 VW camper. The bus is easy to maintain and fun to drive - you very rarely see an unhappy person driving a bus.
- We have a large garden surrounded by trees. Managing these keeps us in firewood and growing a few fruit trees and vegetables helps improve our suburban diet.
- Bell ringer at St Laurence, Alvechurch and member of the North Worcestershire Ringing Association. Ringing is very good exercise and you can't worry about computers when you have a half-ton of bell metal on the end of a rope. The team work of ringing also makes a nice change after a solitary day at the keyboard. More details at the St Laurence Bell Fund site.