FoxPro low level file handling
FoxPro has always had functions to read and write files at a low level but we do not have
to use them quite so often in Visual FoxPro. The
StrToFile() and FileToStr()
functions introduced in Visual FoxPro gave us an easy way of handling
text files but there are still times when you have to drop back to working directly
with bytes. The older FoxPro functions like FREAD() then
become very useful.
FoxPro's low level commands all start with "F" and if you look up any of their
entries in Help then you'll find links to all the others. The five
most important are:
These commands date back to the earliest days of FoxPro and it
somehow seems more natural to write them in upper case. Even
VFP9 Help uses this convention.
Low level
These are referred to as 'low level' functions because there is very
little between you and the contents of the file. For example, if you use
to read ten bytes from the file then it will try to read ten bytes
starting from the current position in the file and will move its
pointer ten bytes further down the file. This might make the pointer
fall off the end of the file but that's your problem.
File handles
These functions all rely on the concept of a file handle. This is
an integer which is returned when you create or open a file and
which you then use in all further operations on that file. You can
use the DISPLAY STATUS command to see
which files are associated with which file handles:
User-opened files: D:\DEV\FRED.TXT Handle=12 Pos=0 Read=Yes Write=Yes
This shows that I have a file named fred.txt open, it is associated with
file handle 12, I'm at the start of the file (Position 0) and I have read
and write access to the file.