Database development and training for Birmingham and the midlands
Specialists in Microsoft Access and Visual Foxpro database training and development
I am happy to hear from existing clients but I am taking no new calls.
We are working to reduce the impact that we're having on the environment through our personal and business lives. Moving to a home office has reduced our travel costs considerably and our house is better-insulated than most offices. As I write this (in October) there is no heating or lights on in the office and our only drain on the environment is this single laptop computer, the router and a mobile phone.
We print very little these days and our printer spends most of the week turned off and unplugged. Anything we do print comes out double-sided to save paper. Depending on its contents, what paper we do use or receive is either recycled or shredded and composted.
See also
Company and VAT | Copyright | Security | Environmental | Health and Safety | On line | Professional