Delivering a database

We will deliver the executable program together with the source code that generated it. We have every intention of staying in this business but you need the security of having the source code so that you can turn to somebody else should anything unforeseen happen to us. Without this source code you would be unable to make any changes to the system or fix any faults as they arise.

The code will be well-commented as an aid to future developers. We can provide full documentation for users or developers if required. We can also deliver various levels of support if you need the flexibility of being able to make continuous improvements to your database for yourselves.

Licenses and Copyright

You will own the software once you have paid for it in full and you will be free to make as many copies as you need for your users to run on as many PCs as necessary.

Although you as the client own the code that we produce for you, we retain copyright and you will not be able to sell copies of the program to third parties.

Hints & tips

The textbox class in Visual FoxPro 9 has a new Autocomplete property which shows the user the previous values that have been entered in that textbox.
Autocomplete in VFP 9

Your Access database will look more impressive if you add custom toolbars...
Custom toolbars

FoxPro has always had functions to read and write files at a low level...
Foxpro low level file functions

More pages of hints and tips for users of Microsoft FoxPro and Access databases.

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