Every mistake and false start you make whilst developing is
saved in the database. Use Tools/Database Utilities/Compact
Database at least once a day - but take a backup first.
Not every user uses a mouse all the time. Make sure you've got
the tab order correct before shipping the database.
Use long, meaningful field names if you're building a small database. Field
names appear as captions when you drag fields onto a form.
Use shorter field names without spaces if you're going to be writing much
program code. Long names with spaces are a nuisance in VBA.
If there's no code attached to your form, set its HasModule property False.
This reduces the size of the database and improves the loading speed.
Every control you add to a form makes it larger and slower. Remove everything
that is not absolutely necessary - especially large graphics.
Use indexes to improve speed. Any field used in a search or in the criterion or
join clauses of a query ought to be indexed.
A background image makes the form use more memory and load more slowly.
Remove graphics unless they are absolutely essential.
Use CTRL+cursor keys to nudge a control around a form or report. Use
SHIFT+cursor keys to resize a control. Access 2002 allows you to move a
control using cursor keys without CTRL.
Learn the basics of database design before you build any important systems.
A badly-designed database can be expensive to put right.
Hints & tips
The textbox class in Visual FoxPro 9 has a new Autocomplete
property which shows the user the previous values that have
been entered in that textbox.
Autocomplete in VFP 9
Your Access database will look more impressive if you add custom toolbars...
Custom toolbars